Bonnes pratiques

Danone – Eat like a Champ

Dans le cadre des "Nudges for Good", voici le nudge de Danone :


Discover how Danone designed a program to nudge kids toward a healthier diet

1. What is the observed insight?

According to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, unhealthy eating habits of children in the UK, coupled with low levels of physical activity, are fuelling a rise in obesity in children.

2. What is the behavioural challenge?

Eat Like A Champ is a programme targeting primary school children aged 9-10 years and aiming at tackling the growing issue of poor nutrition and obesity amongst children. Eat Like a Champ encourages children to adopt healthier lifestyles at an age where responsibility is gradually moving from the parent to the child.

3. Why should we embrace it?

The National Child Measurement Programme reported in December 2014 that 33.5 per cent of Year 6 children (aged 10-11) were considered either overweight or obese. Danone believe they have a role to play in promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle as part of their corporate social responsibility agenda. Danone’s company mission is to bring health through food and beverages to as many people as possible.

4. The Nudge

PRINCIPLE: Children need guidance and encouragement to make healthier food choices. The concept of Eat Like A Champ is thus to make healthy eating exciting, and inspire children to adopt the healthy choices of famous champions they admire.
EXECUTION: The Eat Like A Champ programme is done through:

1) Six free interactive lessons, designed to be fun and engaging, which were created in collaboration with the British Nutrition Foundation, delivered by teachers in 2,000 classes across the UK

2) Inspiring role models who emphasize the importance of living a healthy lifestyle by introducing lessons and participating in a final reward. The current ambassador is Helen Skelton, former Blue Peter presenter and multiple Guinness World Record holder.

At the end of the campaign, a selection of children who took part are invited to see the ambassador at a special Eat Like A Champ Celebration Event.

5. Evidence path

FIELD EVIDENCE: In 2012, the Children’s Food Trust carried out an extensive independent research to find out the impact of Eat Like A Champ.
They noted that pupils age 9-11 showed significant improvements in their eating habits 6-12 weeks after the implementation of Eat Like A Champ. In particular, changes in consumption over which young children have a degree of control. They highlighted a net shift of 6% toward healthier eating at 12 weeks.


More information here :

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