Bonnes pratiques

Johnson & Johnson – Mobile Health For Moms

Dans le cadre des "Nudges for Good", voici le nudge de J&J :


How J&J helped preventing infant mortality and premature births by sending texts

1. What is the observed insight?

Research shows that increasing knowledge around health can help people stay healthier. A growing evidence base demonstrates effectiveness of mobile communication to drive health behaviours and associated outcomes.

2. What is the behavioural challenge?

Lack of access to healthcare, negative health behaviours and poverty all contribute to negative health outcomes.

3. Why should we embrace it?

The USA has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed/industrialised world.   Each year 1 in 8 babies is born prematurely and 28,000 die before their first birthday. Many factors contribute to these negative outcomes including lack of access to healthcare, negative health behaviours and poverty

4. The Nudge

PRINCIPLE: This nudge uses mobile text messaging as a vehicle to deliver simple, understandable information aimed at improving health outcomes. The information is sent in a timely manner to encourage the right behaviour at the right moment. Commitment to better parenting is motivated through a healthy, happy start in life for their baby.
EXECUTION: This program consists in a free text messaging subscription to receive tips on topics that matter for young parents. Messages are sent situationally (the best example being medical appointment reminders!), one at a time, and are always short and clear to maximize understanding and therefore impact on the readers’ behavior. They focus on one topic at a time to avoid flooding the users with info. The messages are stage based – so recipients receive 3 messages a week based on the week /stage of their pregnancy or the age of the infant. The idea is that the message ties to what they are experiencing and to medical advice they might be receiving.

5. Evidence path

FIELD EVIDENCE: The J&J nudge increases the user’s health knowledge, facilitates interaction with health institutions, improves attendance to appointments and immunizations, strengthens access to health services. The impact of the programme is demonstrated through the following key metrics : - 63% of participants reported that the service helped them remember an appointment or immunization; 82% reported that they were better informed about medical warning signs that they previously did not know; 65% reported talking to their doctor about a topic they had read in a message and 47% reported that they called a service or phone number they received from a message.


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