Bonnes pratiques

SCA : Libero

Dans le cadre des Nudges for good de l​‌’AIM, voici l​‌’exemple de SCA.

How SCA showed that colors can trigger behavior change.


1. What is the observed insight?

Becoming a parent is a life changing experience. New things to learn, but also new anxieties come in to one’s life. For a new parent it is not always obvious when a diaper needs to be changed to secure best care for the baby. Libero Newborn supports new and inexperienced parents so they feel more confident that their baby is always kept comfortable.


2. The Nudge

Libero is a brand that supports and liberates parents in their everyday lives. Libero Newborn introduced its change indicator to make daily life easier for parents since it tells them in a simple way if it is time to change the diaper. That brings peace of mind to parents – particularly to the new and inexperienced ones – as they will know they’ve changed the diaper in time to prevent leakages or skin rashes.

Parents to newborn babies say that this new feature directly answers to a struggle they face: “really practical in the beginning to see when there is something in the diaper, without having to undress and pull the diaper to double-check all the time”.

Libero Newborn’s change indicator is a feature offered on top of an already highly performing product.  It is a coloured stripe on the outside of the diaper that changes colour when it gets wet. The change indicator makes it easy for the new and inexperienced parent to understand when it is time to change. This reassurance releases anxiety related to the baby’s comfort and risk for skin irritation, which ultimately frees the parents’ minds.

The change indicator was widely communicated in all relevant media targeting parents with newborn babies 0-3 months, along with a strong news messaging on pack for in-shelf guidance.


3. Evidence path

Libero Newborn launched the change indicator in the Nordic markets in spring of 2014. Less than a year later market share had risen within the Newborn segment by 14 % * in Sweden. This fantastic development proves consumers see a true value in Libero’s offer –  supporting them in feeling more secure and confident in their new role as a parent.


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